Stockroom Archive Management Terms and Conditions

The following terms & conditions, together with the Client Account Form (“Account terms”) to which they are attached, set out the complete terms on which Stockroom Archive Management Ltd (“the Company”) provides its services to you as the client of the Company (“the Client”), except where otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and the Client. In the event of a conflict between the Account terms and these terms and conditions, the said Account terms shall prevail.

  1. Secure Storage Services
    The Company agrees to provide secure storage services at the Company’s premises (listed above) for the Client’s goods and chattels, as identified in the Account terms, which are deposited with the Company during the term of this contract.
  2. Collection & Packaging
    Goods and chattels accepted for storage by the Company will usually be collected without charge from an address within the M25 motorway, unless the items are considered by the Company to be large or are a large number of small items; this will be clarified in the Account terms. If collection is from outside the M25 motorway, the collection charges are to be agreed in writing between the Company and the Client prior to such collection. The Company can provide storage boxes for items to be stored, on request, subject to a specified charge. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that items for storage are suitably packaged for such collection or are delivered to the Company’s premises in suitable packaging.
  3. Delivery & Retrieval
    Subject to the Client being up to date with all payments and charges for storage, the Company shall deliver all or any of the deposited goods and chattels to the Client anywhere in the United Kingdom as soon as practical following receipt of a correctly completed official order for such items, or upon cancellation of this contract in accordance with its terms. The Company shall provide an estimate of the approximate delivery time as soon as possible; usually, this is within one to three (1–3) weekdays of receipt of the order. Delivery within the M25 motorway is at the price specified in the Account terms. Delivery outside the M25 motorway will be subject to an agreed price specified by the Company, depending on the distance. Stored goods and chattels can usually be made available for collection from the premises within two (2) hours of receipt of an order, on request, if such an order is received between 9:00 AM and 12:00 noon on a weekday (excluding bank holidays).
  4. Delivery Charges
    Standard delivery costs (as set out in the Account terms) will be charged to the Client on all deliveries following cancellation of this contract. If the Client requires a different form of transport than that normally used by the Company, the Client will also be liable for this additional charge, which will be notified to them.
  5. Damaged or Incomplete Goods
    If goods arrive at the Client’s premises damaged or incomplete, they must be signed for as such. Any claims must be notified to the Company in writing within three (3) days of delivery.
  6. Limitation of Liability in Transit
    The Company accepts no liability for any damage, loss, or delay in transit of the Client’s goods or chattels, whether collected by the Company or delivered to the Client’s premises or any other address provided by the Client.
  7. Replacement Value & Intellectual Property
    The Company will only be liable for the replacement value of raw materials lost or damaged while on its premises or in transit by the Company. For tape stock items or other media containing intellectual property or software, the replacement value is for blank tape stock or the equivalent media only. No liability is accepted for any intellectual property or contents stored on such media.
  8. Contract Duration
    Contracts with the Company will be for the period specified in the Account terms.
  9. Cancellation
    This contract may be cancelled by either party with three (3) months’ written notice, unless a different minimum period is specified in the Account terms. However, the Company reserves the right to cancel this contract with immediate effect if storage charges or collection/delivery charges remain unpaid and overdue.
  10. Payment Terms & Overdue Accounts
    Invoices for contracted storage services will be issued quarterly in advance and are payable within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. If unpaid by the due date, the Company may cancel this contract with immediate effect and require the stored items to be collected within thirty (30) days. If not collected, the Company may: (a) Return the items to the Client’s last known premises, (b) Destroy the items at its discretion, or(c) Sell them as provided in clause 11. The Company shall have a general lien on the stored items as security for all amounts due. Storage charges will continue to accrue for any detained items.
  11. Sale or Disposal of Unpaid Goods
    If payment remains overdue, the Company may notify the Client in writing that the stored items will be sold or disposed of within thirty (30) days unless payment is made. If the period expires without payment, the Company may sell or dispose of the items at the Client’s risk and expense, deducting outstanding charges from any sale proceeds.
  12. Additional Services
    Deliveries, retrievals, ad hoc services, shredding, and destruction of goods will generally be conducted at the end of each calendar month where practical, with charges payable within thirty (30) days of invoicing.
  13. Client Warranties & Restrictions on Stored Items
    The Client warrants that they own or control all goods and chattels deposited for storage and that such items contain no harmful, explosive, liquid, food, pest-infested, or corrosive materials. The Company reserves the right to inspect stored items to verify compliance with this clause and may reject any unsuitable items. If any stored items cause leakage or damage, the Client shall indemnify the Company against all resulting claims, costs, and expenses.
  14. Condition of Stored Items & Liability
    All stored items are received and stored “as is” and will be returned in the same condition. The Company accepts no liability beyond what is stated here. The Client is advised to arrange appropriate insurance for all stored items.
  15. Access to Storage Premises
    The Client has no right to visit or inspect the storage premises. However, the Company may allow visits at its sole discretion, subject to prior arrangements and compliance with site rules.
  16. Notices
    All notices must be in writing and sent to the email address listed in the Account terms. Notices sent before 4:30 PM (Monday–Friday) are deemed served on the same day, provided no bounce-back or delivery failure is received. Notices sent outside these hours are deemed served on the next working day.
  17. Governing Law & Entire Agreement
    This contract is governed by the laws of England and Wales, with exclusive jurisdiction in their courts. It represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements. Amendments must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

September 2024